The company continued to be involved in the Sarawak Alternative Rural Electrification Scheme (SARES) with a contract amount of RM 2,752,000.00. The project was located in the rural areas in Telang Usan, Miri, Sarawak. The phase of the project covered Ba Abang, Ba Pakan, Long Bangan, Long Belok, and Ba Selulong. SARES is an innovative government-community partnership model, which will see the mobilisation of government machinery and agencies to help villagers build and operate a more sustainable electricity generation system. With the implementation of the SARES, the systems will cater the typical rural household electricity needs. The project started from 16/04/2020 and was completed on 30/9/2020. The client for the project was Sarawak Energy Berhad. The main contractor was Gabungan Binaan Jurutenaga Sdn Bhd.